Drug addiction is not a moral failure. It is a chronic illness.
Some of our family members, friends and colleagues are suffering with this problem of pain medication addiction to meds like Vicodin, Narco, Hydrocodone, Oxycontin etc. Once taken innocently for a just cause, they soon get hooked on it. And it happens readily if one has underlying stress, anxiety, attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) or Depression, we have very effective and proved method / medications to cure this illness.
We treat our patients with confidentiality and dignity they deserve all the time like any other patients.
Do you or a loved one have an addiction problem? We can help in a very dignified and confidential manner.
Trauma Raises Addiction Risk
Abuse-related trauma is also linked to unemployment and financial stress, and that too can increase your risk of drug use and addiction. As noted in The Atlantic, when the coal mining industry in northeastern Pennsylvania collapsed, leaving many locals without job prospects, alcohol use increased, as did child abuse.
Many of these traumatized children, in turn, sought relief from the turmoil and ended up becoming addicted to opioids. All of this is particularly pertinent today, as many parts of the U.S. have been shut down for extended periods of time over fears of COVID-19.
Not being allowed to work, being forced to stay at home for weeks or months on end, maintaining an unnatural distance even to your loved ones and not being able to see people’s faces when out in public—all of these things can contribute to fear, anxiety and, ultimately, despair that fuels addiction. Indeed, reports warn that substance abuse is on the rise as a result of pandemic measures, as is domestic violence.
Struggling With Opioid Addiction? Please Seek Help
It’s vitally important to realize that opioids are extremely addictive drugs that are not meant for long-term use for nonfatal conditions. If you’ve been on an opioid for more than two months, or if you find yourself taking a higher dosage, or taking the drug more often, you may already be addicted. Resources where you can find help include the following. You can also learn more in the article “How to Wean Off Opioids” on Mercola.com
We repeat-Addiction to pain medications is not a moral failure. It is a chronic disease.Please seek help.
Please give us a call at
281-487-3111 or email us at
We are glad to assist you in anyway possible.